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Contents A letter from our President and CEO 04 About us 06 Enphase in numbers 07 Our purpose 08 Our core values 09 Enphase culture playbook 10 Our technology 12 Start-up to industry leader 14 Customer 昀椀rst 15 Financial sustainability 18 Our 昀椀nancial performance 19 Environment 20 E1. Environmental stewardship 21 E2. Clean energy production 23 E3. Emissions and energy 24 E4. Product responsibility 30 E5. Case studies 33 People 42 P1. Company demographics 43 P2. Recruiting and retaining the best 44 P3. Cultivating a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce 46 P4. Developing our people 50 P5. Promoting a safe and healthy workplace 52 P6. Responsible supply chain 54 Society 58 S1. Enphase Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives 59 S2. Enphase grid services 63 S3. Enphase innovation and industry leadership 66 S4. Promoting clean energy policies 69 Governance 72 G1. ESG governance and leadership 73 G2. Business ethics and compliance 77 G3. Data privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property 80 Appendix 83 Emissions and energy calculation methodologies 84 GRI index 86 SASB index 88 TCFD response 89 Membership associations 93 Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 94 About this report 96 Forward-looking statements and other important legal information 97 GAAP to Non-GAAP reconciliation 98 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2023 3

ESG Report  - Page 3 ESG Report Page 2 Page 4