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TCFD response The following responses to the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations are not meant to be an exhaustive review of climate-related issues impacting the business. Rather, the following should be treated as a supplement to our 2023 Form 10-K 昀椀ling. Governance The Board of Directors has primary oversight of climate risks and opportunities, with the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee overseeing the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) program speci昀椀cally. The Board receives updates on sustainability and ESG matters from the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee at least annually, covering strategy, policies, initiatives, progress against goals and targets, and communications with employees, investors, and other company stakeholders. The Audit Committee reviews climate risk alongside other major 昀椀nancial risk exposures, and steps taken by management to monitor and control these risks. The Committee also reviews climate disclosures as required by the jurisdictions in which we operate. Please see the “Leadership and governance” section of the Enphase website for additional information. The ESG steering committee, led by our General Counsel and comprised of executive leadership, meets quarterly to prioritize strategic objectives and review status of various climate-related initiatives, drawing on the results of our ESG materiality assessment and other inputs as appropriate. Functions represented include legal, investor relations, global policy and government a昀昀airs, facilities, EHS, procurement, supply chain, manufacturing, customer service, human resources, compliance, and risk management. Updates are provided to the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and to the Board. ESG working groups, comprised of department heads, extended leadership, and individual contributors, manage progress toward climate-related goals and targets as de昀椀ned by the steering committee. Supporting activities across global operations are tracked and rolled up into corporate dashboards, which are reviewed by the director of ESG and shared with the ESG steering committee on a quarterly basis. Strategy Our purpose is advancing a sustainable future for all. Our strategy is to build best-in-class home energy systems and deliver them to customers through our installer and distributor partners, enabled by a comprehensive installer platform. Successful execution reduces GHG emissions, slows the pace of global warming, and accelerates the transition to a clean, accessible, and resilient energy system. Thus, the impact of climate issues on our 昀椀nancial condition is positive, so long as climate risk is managed appropriately over the long-term as discussed below. Key aspects of our low- carbon transition plan include continued execution of our strategy in service of our purpose, transitioning operations to renewable energy, and building resilience into the value chain ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2023 89

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