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P2. Recruiting and retaining the best We are committed to attracting and developing a strong, diverse group of employees. Our robust talent management program includes university outreach, global recruitment, career progression, and leadership development - empowering our employees to reach their full potential and 昀椀nd work satisfaction. Recruitment and onboarding We leverage employee referral programs, seek talent from specialized conferences, and work with recruiting agencies to supply a diverse slate of candidates for each job placement search. In addition, our talent acquisition department sponsors events, partners with student organizations on university campuses, makes certain all published job descriptions contain inclusive language, and ensures that interview teams are broadly represented. Once someone is hired, our world-class, scalable, and blended model for new employee onboarding and training creates an environment where all employees feel welcomed, supported, and valued. Buddy Up! As part of our new employee onboarding, every new employee is paired with a colleague, a “buddy,” who is a go-to person for the new employee. The buddy provides assistance and information during the settling-in period and ensures that the new employee is engaged and supported. In turn, our buddies bene昀椀t from improved self-con昀椀dence and the ability to hone managerial and leadership skills. Peer (with longer tenure) Maintain positive Technical outlook and and process attitude expert Share Buddy knowledge Characteristics Approachable, (Encourage accessible, self learning) and patient Open-minded Listen actively (No judgements) (Help resolve issues and concerns) 44

ESG Report  - Page 44 ESG Report Page 43 Page 45