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Table of Contents that are unique to our products and are unable to recoup the costs of such excess through resale or return or build excess products, we could be required to pay for these excess parts or products and recognize related inventory write-downs. In addition, we plan our operating expenses, including research and development expenses, hiring needs and inventory investments, in part on our estimates of customer demand and future revenue. If customer demand or revenue for a particular period is lower than we expect, we may not be able to proportionately reduce our fixed operating expenses for that period, which would harm our operating results for that period. Our focus on a limited number of specific markets increases risks associated with the modification, elimination or expiration of governmental subsidies and economic incentives for on-grid solar electricity applications. To date, we have generated most of our revenue from North America, and revenue generated from the U.S. market represented 64%, 76% and 80% of our total net revenues for the annual periods ended on December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively. We also expect to continue to generate a majority of our revenue from North America in the future. There are several important incentives (including the ITC), AMPTC and other U.S. federal and state tax incentives, that impact our business. Under the IRA, the ITC was extended until 2032 to allow a qualifying homeowner to deduct 30% of the cost of installing residential solar systems from their U.S. federal income taxes, thereby returning a material portion of the purchase price of the residential solar system to homeowners. Under the terms of the current extension, the ITC will remain at 30% through the end of 2032, reduce to 26% for 2033, reduce to 22% for 2034, and further reduce to 0% after the end of 2034 for residential solar systems, unless it is further extended before that time. If the ITC, AMPTC, or other tax credits are reduced or eliminated as part of futures changes to the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, changes to state law or regulatory reform initiatives by subsequent legislative action or by a presidential administration, sales of our products in North America and other markets could be adversely affected. In addition, changes to the IRA could impact the benefits we currently expect to receive from our plans to increase our domestic manufacturing footprint in the United States, in partnership with third-party contract manufacturers. Several European countries, including Germany, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom, have adopted reductions in or concluded their net energy metering or FiT programs. Certain countries have proposed or enacted taxes levied on renewable energy. These and related developments have significantly impacted the solar industry in Europe and may adversely affect the future demand for solar energy solutions in Europe, which could adversely impact our results of operations. We also sell our products in Australia. In 2012, Australia enacted a Renewable Energy Target that is intended to ensure that 33,000 Gigawatt-hours of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020. This policy supports both the installation of large-scale centralized renewable generation projects, along with small-scale systems of under 100kW each for residential and small business customers. This target was met in 2019; however, the scheme continues to require high-energy users to meet their obligations under the policy until 2030. During 2018, the state of Victoria introduced state-based incentive schemes, aimed at solar customers in the state of Victoria. Other Australian states and territories introduced similar programs in 2019. Any change in, or failure to implement, these programs may adversely affect the demand for solar energy solutions in Australia. Reductions in incentives and uncertainty around future energy policy, including local content requirements, have negatively affected and may continue to negatively affect our business, financial condition and results of operations as we seek to increase our business domestically and abroad. Additionally, as we further expand to other countries, changes in incentive programs or electricity policies could negatively affect returns on our investments in those countries as well as our business, financial condition and results of operations. Enphase Energy, Inc. | 2023 Form 10-K | 36

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