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Grievance mechanisms Grievance mechanisms are available, including the use of an anonymous third-party whistleblower hotline, when instances of non-compliance with the Enphase Energy Code of Conduct or our Supplier Code of Conduct are observed or reported. Corrective actions are taken by managers, the HR department, the Legal department, executive sponsors, and/or the Audit Committee of the Board when appropriate. “We are committed to following Eradicating forced labor and human tra昀케cking in supply all materials guidance and chains environmental regulatory compliance requirements of the We take the issues of slavery and human tra昀케cking very seriously and will continue doing countries in which we operate.” our part by responsibly managing our supply chain to help eradicate human tra昀케cking and slavery. As stated in our Supplier Code of Conduct, our suppliers must not support, promote, or engage in the practice of forced labor, child labor, slavery, or human tra昀케cking. The Supplier Code of Conduct requires our suppliers, next tier suppliers, and subcontractors to comply with all international standards and applicable laws regarding slavery and human tra昀케cking and to conduct due diligence of their operations to verify compliance that the materials used in our products comply with laws regarding human tra昀케cking and slavery. Also see our California Transparency in Supply Chains Disclosure. Materials sourcing and con昀氀ict minerals We are committed to following all materials guidance and environmental regulatory compliance requirements of the countries in which we operate. We do not use cobalt in our batteries as this mineral represents an increased risk of being sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and other con昀氀ict-a昀昀ected areas associated with unfair labor practices. Our con昀氀ict minerals disclosure on responsible sourcing is updated annually and 昀椀led with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and posted on our website. For additional information, please refer to our most recent con昀氀ict minerals report and con昀氀ict minerals policy. We expect our suppliers to source materials and operate in a responsible manner consistent with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Con昀氀ict-A昀昀ected and High-Risk Areas, and are committed to ensuring that private security providers respect human rights. We expect our suppliers to acknowledge and agree to the following terms with respect to con昀氀ict minerals: • that we are required to meet the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act • to provide us with con昀氀ict mineral content and country of origin information on products supplied to us • to cooperate in our or independent third-party auditing of the supply chain and procurement process, con昀氀ict mineral audits, and due diligence on its suppliers, and • to collaborate with us in developing a chain of custody for con昀氀ict minerals in the supply chain and identifying and sourcing con昀氀ict-free sources for minerals used in our products 56

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