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Sustainable facilities We also make a conscientious e昀昀ort to ensure responsible resource consumption across our facilities. Water conservation is encouraged, and we have installed auto stop taps to reduce consumption. Facilities are equipped with reusable and compostable materials, single-use items are eliminated, and employees are provided with reusable dishware, utensils, and mugs. Ink cartridges, organics, plastic, glass, cardboard, 昀氀uorescent bulbs, and metal scraps are recycled as standard practice among facilities. Table 5: Waste management* Amount Amount Diverted Percent Percent Directed Waste Type Generated from Land昀椀ll Recycled to Land昀椀ll (MT) (MT) (%) (%) Hazardous Waste 1.03 1.03 100 0.0 E-Waste 105.86 105.86 100 0.0 Universal Waste 33.15 33.15 100 0.0 * Hazardous waste, e-waste and universal waste across Germany, India, New Zealand and United States operations 32

ESG Report  - Page 32 ESG Report Page 31 Page 33