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Board diversity and independence We are committed to ensuring that our Board is e昀昀ective and serving the long-term interests of our shareholders. We believe that our Board should represent diversity of thought, background, skill, experience, and expertise. We recognize that enhancing demographic diversity on the Board, through the representation of women and underrepresented groups, encourages a thoughtful decision-making process that is important to e昀昀ective corporate governance. Consistent with our philosophy, we have codi昀椀ed a version of the Rooney Rule in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, which states that, “the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will ensure each pool of quali昀椀ed candidates for additional or vacant Board positions from which Board nominees are chosen includes candidates who bring racial and/or gender diversity.” The composition of our seven-person Board re昀氀ects a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and tenures, and we continue to seek opportunities to enhance the diversity and e昀昀ectiveness of our Board. Board composition Tenure Diversity 0-5 years 2 2 11+ years 3 Diverse years 8.4 43% Average tenure Others 4 Diverse 3 6-10 years Independence Age Non-Independent 2 > 60 years 2 2 < 50 years 71% 57years Independent 5 Average age Indepedent 3 50-60 years 74

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