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Whistleblower policy We take matters of ethics and integrity seriously at all levels of our organization and provide an anonymous platform available to report violations of the Code of Conduct. We proactively communicate the existence of the whistleblower hotline and empower each employee to report any witnessed or suspected wrongdoing. The whistleblower hotline is also available in most local languages where we operate. Under our whistleblower protection and non-retaliation provisions, any employee, supplier, or other party is encouraged to anonymously or non-anonymously report concerns and violations of our policies. Our hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and structures are in place to ensure all reports are investigated promptly with the highest degree of con昀椀dentiality. Retribution or retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited. Employees are also encouraged to report any suspicious or unethical activity directly to their manager, human resources, the legal department, or our Compliance O昀케cer. For additional information, please refer to our Code of Conduct. 78

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