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Chart 3: Emissions and energy intensity trend* 20000 10 18000 16000 8 14000 12000 6 10000 4 Energy intensity8000 6000 2 Emissions intensity 4000 2000 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Energy intensity (kWh / $M) Emissions intensity (MTCO2e / $M) Energy Intensity (kWh / $M) Emissions Intensity (MTCO e / $M) 2 *Scopes 1 and 2 only Hazardous air pollutants Enphase installed products reduce the amount of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that enter the atmosphere, helping to alleviate human health issues related to the release of particulate matter (PM 2.5), nitrous oxides (NO ), sulfur oxides (SO ), and other ozone- x x depleting substances (ODS). These are typically released from fuel combustion among both mobile and stationary sources such as cars, trucks, and factories. Many people are disproportionately impacted by air pollution, including those who live in communities of color or low-income communities. Every clean kilowatt hour generated by an Enphase system helps to reduce air pollution and promote environmental justice. We do not consider the release of HAPs across Enphase’s operations to be signi昀椀cant, given we do not own or operate a company vehicle 昀氀eet or any large factories. However, we do hold upstream suppliers and contract manufacturers accountable for environmental performance as outlined in our Enphase Supplier Code of Conduct and proactively work to reduce Scope 3 emissions, including HAPs, as described earlier in this report. Table 4: NO and SO emissions x 2 Annual NO (lbs.) SO (lbs.) x 2 Enphase U.S. operations 3.726 0.818 28

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